Thursday, April 28, 2011


This map shows the areas of the Tropical Rainforest, it is located right at the equator. This biome has a wet climate where on average there is 1500 and 2500 mm in rain which fall year round. There is no dry season, it rains almost everyday. 30 degress- 35 degrees during the day and drops about 10 degrees at night.
trpical rainforrest has an average of 150 to 660cm of rain a year found below the equator a very warm climate all year around


The tundra is the coldest biome of them all. It is covered in ice most of the year round. It used to be ALL ice ALL year round but stupid global warming is melting it. Still, polar bears and puffins and norwales are lucky to live there. They have adapted to the fridgit temperatures and lack of sunlight. There is litte to no rain fall and the temperatures vary alot from summer to winter. It could get to -25 in winter and only 5 degrees in summer !

The tropical rainforest is located right on the equator. It is so hot becuase the equator gets so much sunlight, and it rains the precipitation is caused by the low pressure

Tropical Rainforest

This map shows the areas of the Tropical Rainforest. The Tropical Rainforest has a wet climate where on average there is 50 to 260 inches in rain which fall year round.

Tropical Rainforests are located near the equator, which makes them hot and wet all year. An average of 125 to 660 cm of rain falls yearly. The temperature in a rainforest rarely gets higher than 34 degrees celsius or drops below 20.


This tundra biome is located in the arctic. It's location has a heavy impact on what it looks like, the freezing temperatures, and what type of precipitation falls. There is also permafrost, where in other tundra regions farther south, it may not be found. There is little rain, andn temperatures range from -30 to 10 degrees celsius.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The Mediterranean biome is for the most part close to the equator.
30°-40° N-S of Equator West Coast. In general, this biome is found clustered around the 30 north or south latitude line. The climate is characterized by warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. Just over 100mm of rain per year to around 20 mm of rain per year

Tropical Rainforest.

The tropical rainforest is located along the equator. Extreme heat and precipitation occur all year round. The warm air above the land rises and condenses. High rains by the very warm temperatures arise in these areas.


The highlighted areas of the map is where Tundra is located. The subsoil is mainly permafrost. Since there are no trees. During the winter there is an average temperature of -28 C - -50 C. In the Summer it rangers from 12 C - 3 C. In terms of precipitations, it is sort of like a desert with very little precipitation. 15-25cm a year.

The tropical rainforest is situated directly along the equator. This causes extreme heat and precipitation all year round. The high rains are causes by the very warm temperatures in these areas. The warm air above the land rises and condenses. Thus creating frequent rain storms.

Flora: Low growing lichens, mosses, grasses, sedges, dwarf shrubs, small plants typically ground hugging or warmth preserving in some way, rosettes. Most of the plants are small, grow close together and close to the ground.

large, compact bodies. A thick insulating cover of feathers or fur
pelage and plumage that turns white in winter, brown in summerPhysiological adaptations
ability to accumulate thick deposits of fat during the short growing season. Fat acts as insulation and as a store of energy for use during the winter, when animal species remain active.
cyclical fluctuations in population size.

Pst 14- Biomes/Location/Climate

The image on the left is an image of where the Savannah biome is located across the world. The Savannah biomeis located in Northern South America, Central and South africa, Indonesia and North Australia. There is not enough rainfall to support a forest so the land is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and isolated trees. The temperature is warm all year round with a very dry season (winter) and a very wet season (summer), 4 inches of precipitation falls during the dry season and 15-25 inches during the wet season. The dry season is a little cooler than the wet season but still averages out to about 70 farenheit. Savannahs are located in between deserts and rainforests so it's location is generally in or near the equator and this makes for a very hot and generally dry area, though there is still heavy rainfall from time to time. This biome is named a tropical Savannah or tropical grassland. Post a question query or concern if you so feel inclined.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post #13 Biomes/Adaptations

On the left are two images, one of the boreal fauna (Moose, Right) and boreal flora (Hemlock Tree, Left). The moose has adapted with long legs and a thick body to move through snow and deep wet conditions, it grows a thicker of insulation during the winter months, it's two hoove 'toes' are spread wide apart to prevent the moose from sinking extremely far into the snow during the winter months and the hair on a moose is wider at the tip than at the base to provide an insulating layer providing more warmth. The Eastern Hemlock is most well known for it's adaption to shade, it is very tolerant of shade and can grow in very low-light conditions. So in a deep boreal forest where other coniferous trees dominate the forest canopy and little light is let through the tree will still manage to grown and mature at roughly 31 metres or 100 feet. Both have excellent physical qualities to adapt to the boreal environment, as their bodies are shaped to deal with the climate, conditions and terrain to survive properyl in a boreal forest biome.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Biome: Tundra

Flora: Low growing lichens, mosses, grasses, sedges, dwarf shrubs, small plants typically ground hugging or warmth preserving in some way, rosettes. Most of the plants are small, grow close together and close to the ground. This protects them from the cold temperatures and the strong winds. Some flowering plants have fuzzy coverings on the stems, leaves and buds to provide protection from the wind. Some have woolly seed covers

Fauna: Arctic Fox
large, compact bodies following Bergmann's and Allen's rules
a thick insulating cover of feathers or fur
pelage and plumage that turns white in winter, brown in summerPhysiological adaptations
ability to accumulate thick deposits of fat during the short growing season. Fat acts as insulation and as a store of energy for use during the winter, when animal species remain active.
cyclical fluctuations in population size, best seen perhaps in the lemming, a small rodent which is the major herbivore in the tundra's simple food chain. Predator populations and plant populations respond in kind to the peaks and crashes of the herbivore populations.

Post #12

Acid rain is caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Burning oil, gas and coal in power stations releases Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) into the atmosphere. Burning oil and petrol in motor vehicles puts nitrogen oxides (NOX) into the atmosphere.
These gases mix with water droplets in the atmosphere creating weak solutions of nitric and sulphuric acids. When precipitation occurs these solutions fall as acid rain.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

some of the adaptations that lions have developed are their powerful hind legs that allow them to pounce on their pray after stalking their prey. africas acacia trees have adapted to harshtemperatures with horizontally pointed leaves to deflect sunlight


Giraffes adapt to a life in a savannah. They drink water when available and can go for a long time without it. Their long necks help them feed on treetops. They can also see for several miles.

The Senegal gum acacia is a small thorn tree found in the African grassland. With many branches and a flat rounded top. The branches have many thorns to protect from wildlife. It can live through long periods of drought, and can grow in sand.


A tree frog belongs to the tropical rainforest biome. Rainforest tree frogs live specifically in the canopy of the rainforests, where they find adequate moisture and protection.
They are uniformly small, and most are brilliantly colorful for camoflage in the bright plants. Some rainforest frogs have toxic oil on their skin for self defense. Tree frogs across the world have developed suction cup-like toes for climbing vertical surfaces like trees. Rainforest tree frogs live in the vegetation of the trees, seeking protection, camouflage and food sources.

As a result of the crowded growing conditions, canopy trees only branch near the top of their long, pole-like trunks (which also make them good for timber). Since there is no shortage of sunlight for the uppermost leaves of canopy trees, the exposed leaves are generally small and waxy to retain water.


This a cobra snake, it lives in the desert biome where it is exposed to extreme temperature ranges throughout the day. The cobra has adapted to living in the desert by utilizing its ability to dig into the sand to cool off. The plants are common desert cacti which have adapted to living in the desert by maintaining water supplies within themselves to counter the low levels of precipitation.

Bamboo and Monkeys. ! They live in the Rainforest.

Common characteristics found amoung animals and birds include adaptations to a life in the trees, such as the New World Monkey! Other characteristics are bright colours, sharp patterns and diets on heavy fruit. Also, bamboo is a not a tree nor a shrub. It is grass. Dur. The stems never get thicker after they are full grown.They flower once in the their lifetime and die after they have flowered once. No matter where they are Bamboo always flowers at the same time.
these two birds have diffrent adaptations the blue bird is trying to find a mate where as the bird on the left is trying to get a better view by tilting his head theleft bird is in a tropical rain forest whereas the birds on the right a desert area


A giraffe belongs to the biome "grassland." It has adapted to this place because of its long neck to reach 100 different trees that grow there. Its long neck gives it an advantages to reach for food. Also little ground vegetation exist because it has a extremly dry climate. It has mix and short grass that grows there, and little flowers because of the hot climate.


Tundra is a biome where tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons. This is a Arctic Tundra, occurs far in the Northern Hemisphere, north of the taiga belt. Polar bears adapt here, due to the cold temperatures, also helps them camoflage better. The cold weather can only support the growth of small plants, such as moss heath. Moss heath grows varieties like crowberry, blackberry and lichen, which is also food provided for polar bears to survive off of, as well as other arctic animals in there area.