Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The giant snakehead is an invasive species brought from the rapids of the Yangze river in China. Its abnormal size and agression for a freshwater fish makes it very dominant in the fresh water ecosystems. They have no natural predators, and their numbers are rapidly increasing and have become illegal in Canada and the US.

This oil spill in the atlantic ocean possibly was caused by human error. Or possibly caused by a bursting oil line. It effects the ecosystem dramatically as oil will destroy the foodchain, effecting tons of animal and birdlife. Along with marine life.

acid rain

causedby acid in the atmosphare condenced and then rained down on to people forrests and aminals this photo shows the effect of acid rain on a forrest see how all the tress in the area are all dead and striped down to their core

Tropical deforestation is becomming increasingly common in the rainforest. As teak and mohogany hardwoods are becomming very popular in the northern parts of the world.

Solar energy sources are very benificial as they are a clean, renewable resouce that will always be available. Unfortunatly, solar power sources are intermitant, and panals are difficult and expensive to produce.

Pros and Cons on Recycling

  • PROS: Reycling lowers costs because materials are made from reycled products.

  • Recycling avoids the cost of moving garbage barges and incineration.
    Reycycling helps the earth because we are using old materials rather than depleting the earth stock.

CONS: Costs money becuase of the transportation and processing costs.
Uses money because of the machinery needed in order to recycle materials.
Recycling also uses energy and can also pollute the earth because of the fumes produced by incineration and the machinery they use.


This is a garbage incinerator inside of an African slum. High heat and flame are used to burn and destroy garbage to take up less room in landfills. The fumes let off by burning chemicals in the garbage combined with the smoke contribute to air pollution worldwide.

The heartland landfill is a huge landfill based in Victoria British Columbia. It houses mass amounts of waste and is filling up fast. Toxic matterials from the waste are slowly creeping into the surrounding area, toxins such as mercury and cadmium.

Monday, June 13, 2011

  • landfills
  • waste storage large holes in the ground filled with all forms of garbage
  • Plus side ) quick and easy disposal of waste
  • neg side)no decomp takes hundreds of years for the waste to go back to its natural state... poision animals from runoff/ waste on surface

Friday, June 10, 2011

Post #19

Landfill Disposal- Effects on the Environment

Landfill disposal pollutes the environment. It contaminates the ground water by leakage and residual soil contamination during landfull usage as well as after landfull closure. Also, offgassing of methane generated by decaying organice wastes and harbours disease through rats and flies.

Post #18


-the unreliability factor which is because which is because in some areas the wind strength is too low to support a wind turbine

-generally produces a lot less power than other power sources, requirng multiple turbines in order to make an impact

-construction can be very expensive and costly to surrounding wildlife during the build process

-noise pollution

-not everywhere has the space to build several wind turbines


-no fossil fuels are burnt

-take up less space then the average power station

-newer technologies are making the extraction of wind more efficient

-great for developed and developing countries

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This is a picture of incineration. Incineration is a waste disposal process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration has negative effects, such as Co2 and other emmisions. Overall incineration puts out a lot of pollution which negatively effects the environment.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment. Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. At its most essential, the process of composting requires simply piling up waste outdoors and waiting a year or more. Modern, methodical composting is a multi-step, closely monitored process with measured inputs of water, air,carbon, and nitrogen rich materials. Compost can be rich in nutrients. It is used in gardens, landscaping, horticulture and agriculture

Friday, May 27, 2011

alternative energy

solar panels can be a clean sorce of alternative energy which harness the suns rays and converts it into usable energy. the draw backs to this method is that the sun is not allways going to be readaly available and it is quite expensive to make and install.


this is an example of tropical deforestation, usually happens in brazil or in the amazon. this happens because the people need to use the land for other porpeses klike farming, or they need it for fuel. the main reason is money though. some things like restricions or premits could be enforced to help stop this.

oil spills

the exxon valadez oil spill occured in prince william sund when the exxon valedez ran a ground on the way to lomg beach cali, spilling 750000barrels of crude oil into the ocean. it can be cleaned up by booms surrounding the oil and then it can be skimmed off the surface. chemicals can also help to break it down and help disperse the oil in a less harmful way

Tidal Energy

This is a picture of an intrument designed to use waves to make energy. It's called and offshore turbine. The benefits of tidal energy are that once you build it, tidal power is free. It produces no greenhouse gases or other waste. It needs no fuel. Some drawbacks of it are that it only provides power for about ten hours a day, when the tide is actually moving in or out. There are few suitable sites for tidal barrages.

Tropical Deforestation

This is a picture of Tropical Deforestation. It's happening in places such as the Amazon and Brazil. Deforestation is happening for many reasons. Usually it happens because people want to use trees for fuel or use the land for other purposes and most of all because they want to make money. Some Solutions would be to place certain restrictions on cutting, and to replant trees.

Toxic Chemical Pollution

Toxic chemical pollution is when a toxic substance that is not naturally occuring substance, enters into an aquatic ecosystem. The greatest contributors to toxic pollution are herbicides, pesticides and industrial compounds. This picture shows a pipe spewing toxic chemicals directly into a river. Once the toxic chemicals enter the river or stream there is not much that can be done. The only thing that can be done is ways to prevent it from happening, such as citizens can monitor streams and keep a watchful eye on industry.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Energy can be taken from the sun by use of solar panels. The advantages of solar energy is that its abundant and free to take. The drawbacks are that these panels can be very expensive and do need to be replaced over time.

Alternative Energy: Biomass

Biomass is an alternative energy
source that is used. Its benefits are that it can provide energy by burning waste from trees and other things, which in turn provide steam and energy to power things. Drawbacks of biomass are that it contributes little to our overall energy resources, and is not efficient enough for us to solely rely on.

Coniferous Deforestation

Coniferous deforestation is happening in places such as Canada. It is happening because of logging, and the greedy lumber companies which are clear cutting these forests. It is resulting in the loss of habitat for some species. Solutions are to place restrictions such as selective cutting.

hydroelectric dams

PROS: Clean alternative power source. Safer than altnerative options like nuclear power. It can store rain water directly from the river itself. Controls flooding and provides recreational activites (boating, swimming, fishing, ect.)

CONS: You must gloof a huge area of land for the dam to work. They are expensive to build. Disrupts natural seasonal changes in the river, and ecosystems can be destroyed.

-----> geodude.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The sun as an energy ( Solar Energy to be technical :)

Benefits : Can be harnessed easily and the sun will be around for a long time. Solar panels are made out of recycled materials.... maybe.

Also, massive amounts of energy can be stored and used at one time.

Drawbacks: Intermitent source of enery, expensive to install solar panels.

Nuclear power

Benifits Clean power and lots of power

Draw back toxic waste natural break down is hundreds of years

Solar power is a very useful source of energy as it harnesses the sun's energy to produce electricity. It can be sold domestically and can be used to power personal objects such as houses and other buildings. They are reletivly cheap to produce and to install, making it a very popular source of energy. Unfortunatly, it is an intermitant source of energy and is not always available.

Wind turbines are a good alternatice energy source. They are quiet and generate enough energy to sustaine us. Some drawbacks are they are really expensive, take up quite a bit of space, and if there is no wind then there is no energy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tropical Rainforest. The rainforest is getting cut down at an alarming rate. Thousands of species are going extinct nearly everyday. We can help by recycling, donate money to the NWP, and use recycled materials like paper.


Coniferous Deforestation:
Clear cutting is a practice in which all trees in an area are uniformly cut down, meaning taking mass groups of trees and chopping them all down.

Some companys are doing it for scientific research, safety and economic reasons. Detractors clear cut ruining habitats and helping climate change. Better way to go would be selective cutting everywhere , but that costs more money.

Coniferous Deforestation

The current extensive logging in the Coniferous Forest could cause their disappearance. Why? Because lumber companies want the money that is made from cutting down these forests and arent concerned with the impact afterwards. Animals living in these coniferous forests, habitats are being destroyed and this is making it harder for them to find food to live.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Coniferous Deforestation

Why Forestry?
- valuable source of timber and paper
- selective cutting - more sustainable


This is coniferous strip cutting in Canada...Why? Because lumber supply companies are greedy and there is a constant demand for lumber. but luckily this is only strip cutting, not clear cutting. The consequenses are not that big compared to clear cutting, the animals still have areas to migrate to and there is shade and the other trees can seed the area that was cut. A more sustainable way to cut forests would be selective cutting, everywhere, but that is alot more expensive. Lumber is money.

Deforestation in the Tropics

Deforestation is the clearance of naturally occurring forests by logging and burning.Tropical deforestation accounts for 20 percent of all human-caused carbon emission in the world, and the governors signing these MOUs with us manage more than 60 percent of the world's tropical forest land. That map shows where. When??? ALL THE TIME....





Eutrophication is the process where an increase of nitrogen and phosphorous (fertilizers) in a body of water causes an increased growth of algae. With these chemicals in the water, organisms can no longer live in the lake or river.


this photo is from a farm taking over the forrest it also show the buring of the land to gain nutitents

Loosestrife (PURPLE)

Purple loosestrife is an invasive perennial weed that was introduced into North America in the early 1800s. It is believed that it was introduced as a contaminant in European ship ballast and as a medicinal herb. It is highly agressive plant invader of wetlands. It can produce up to 2.7 million seeds per year, and spreads across approximately 480,000 additional hectares of wetlands each year. Ecosystems upset cause the local fauna do not eat the plant.
This is a clear cut of tropical rainforest in brazil. By clearcutting an area with such rich biodiversity, plants and animals are put in danger. Solutions to this could be not clear cutting and instead selective logging.

This is happening in the tropical rainforest, it is happening because there is a need for more land for farming, money, and the loss of the property owners land. It is happening by the farmers clearing the land and ruining the soil year after year. The consequences are that in a few years they can no longer farm on the land, as well the trees dont grow back fast so the vegetation is not natural to the original cleared spot. The solutions that can be helped to save the forest is to not clear the land just to farm.

Clear Cutting

In this picture a part of the amazon which has been clear cutted. The rainforest soil is too poor to support agriculture. A way to prevent clear cutting is making an enviromental organization to raise money and save the forest.

oil spill in goldstream

an oil spill was caused by a drunk driver coming into victoria he crashed his tanker spilling all of the fuel aboard

Oil Spills

Oil spills can occur when leaks in oil tankers and other accidents cause oil to leak into the ocean. It caues many deaths of animals in the ocean and destorys the ecosystem. Oil spills dont have many solutions. First you try to contain all the spill and keep it together. Ways to contan it would be a skimmer that picks up the oil on the surfaces of the water.

Oil Spill

Oil spills usually occur because someone somewhere driving a boat crashes into a coral reef or a big rock out in sea, leading the boat to spill over 2 million gallons of oil. This effects all sea living creatures, sea otters, seals, whales etc. There are many ways to get rid of the oil in the water by example : filtering water, biological helpers out in the water or chemicals released to seperate water from the oil, which then gets scooped out of the water.

Coniferous Strip Cutting In Canada

This is coniferous forest deforestation in canada. Why? Because lumber supply companies are greedy but luckily this is only strip cutting, not clear cutting. The consequenses are not that big, the animals still have areas to migrate to and there is shade and the other trees can seed the area that was cut. A more sustainable way to cut forests would be selective cutting, everywhere, but lumber = money.

Post #17 Deforestation

The image on the left is an image of tropical deforestation in Brazil, South America. The governement has issued free plots of land to poor people in Brazil under the condition that they clear it if they wish to keep it. The problem with this however is after a short time (5-10 years) of cattle grazing the land becomes infertile and uninhabitable. So the the cattle grazers must move onto a new plot of land and clear yet more rainforest. This is a viscious cycle that may untilamtely lead to the death of tropical rainforests in this part of the world. The consequences of these actions is vast amount of cleared, compacted and uninhabitable tracks of land that none can use. Because it has no use and all the biodiversity of the tropical rainforest in this area is now gone. Thereby rendering huge amounts of once lush tropical rainforest now useless barren grassland. Crop rotation or leaving parts of the land they clear fallow for a year could prevent the destruction the land, making it so after the land is cleared it can still be maintained as fertile land. This in turn will halt further clearing and destruction of the land because a sufficient amount of productive land is in use and is sustainable.

Htwo0 abusesssssss

An Oil spill is an release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the enviorment due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. Spills can take months or even years to clean up, and oil spills are extremely harmful to animals and the enviorment. A solution could be secondary containment which are methods to prevent releases of oil.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oil Pollution

This is a picture of the Exxon Valdez oil spill that occured in Alaska on March 24, 1989. The spill occured upon hitting coral reef off the coast of Alaska. It quickly spread through the ocean waters and affected the wildlife environment. To prevent future incidents like this, equipping ships with double hulls and ensuring they are sufficiently staffed are both measures that have already been put in place.

Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution is the degredation of water quality by any process that changes water temperature. A solution for this is to stop companies from pooring toxic waste into the enviroment so that the temperature stays regulated

Oil Spills are a big problem cause by ships transporting oil hitting something then leaking. It can also be cause by oil pipes bursting. We can stop this by using oil less and using alternate sources of power, like wind turbines, and solar panels.