Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The giant snakehead is an invasive species brought from the rapids of the Yangze river in China. Its abnormal size and agression for a freshwater fish makes it very dominant in the fresh water ecosystems. They have no natural predators, and their numbers are rapidly increasing and have become illegal in Canada and the US.

This oil spill in the atlantic ocean possibly was caused by human error. Or possibly caused by a bursting oil line. It effects the ecosystem dramatically as oil will destroy the foodchain, effecting tons of animal and birdlife. Along with marine life.

acid rain

causedby acid in the atmosphare condenced and then rained down on to people forrests and aminals this photo shows the effect of acid rain on a forrest see how all the tress in the area are all dead and striped down to their core

Tropical deforestation is becomming increasingly common in the rainforest. As teak and mohogany hardwoods are becomming very popular in the northern parts of the world.

Solar energy sources are very benificial as they are a clean, renewable resouce that will always be available. Unfortunatly, solar power sources are intermitant, and panals are difficult and expensive to produce.

Pros and Cons on Recycling

  • PROS: Reycling lowers costs because materials are made from reycled products.

  • Recycling avoids the cost of moving garbage barges and incineration.
    Reycycling helps the earth because we are using old materials rather than depleting the earth stock.

CONS: Costs money becuase of the transportation and processing costs.
Uses money because of the machinery needed in order to recycle materials.
Recycling also uses energy and can also pollute the earth because of the fumes produced by incineration and the machinery they use.


This is a garbage incinerator inside of an African slum. High heat and flame are used to burn and destroy garbage to take up less room in landfills. The fumes let off by burning chemicals in the garbage combined with the smoke contribute to air pollution worldwide.