Monday, February 28, 2011

This is a good example of how cold water has entered the rock and as it has frozen and thawed, the rock over time has slowly spread apart. This is called frost shattering.

This is an example of a recent rock slide in BC.


This is a photo of a very devestating mudslide in Portobelo, Panama. Reports stat that at least 10 people were killed and hundreds evacuated due to the mudslide and flooding caused by heavy rain.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


A landslide is when dry mass of earth and rock slide down. Events that can trigger a landslide is when the oversteepening of slopes by eurison associated with rivers, glaciers, and heavy snow melt. An earthquake can also play a part in it because as it shakes it can create a weak slope. It can destroy everything and there is no way to stop it. It is so powerful can it can destroy anything.


Frost Shattering is mechanical weathering and the breakdown of rocks. It can form in the joints and cracks of the rock. The deeper cracks are formed when water enters the crack expanding it because of a freezing temperature and it also moves them farther apart and keeps going.


A Syncline is a fold where the side of the fold slope together. It has younger rocks on the inside so therefor it sinks in. Also another name for a Sycline is Synclinorium which is a larger Syncline with smaller folds.


The Subduction Zone is created by when one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate. The plates are constantly moving so when they subduct it is beneficial in many ways. They create formations such as mountain ranges,ocean trenches, earthquakes, and volcanoes. When these two plates subduct one of them is younger and and less dense then older plates so they can converge. The Subduction Zone has high activity which can form earthquakes deadly to humans and volcanoes than can be helpful to humans. So it can be helpful and dangerous to some humans.

avalanches occur in alpine areas after heavy snow fall. any sort of tremor could set off an avalanche. avalaches can cause loss of life and homes for humans.

frost shattering occurs in areas where the tempurature is around freezing. when the water gets into the cracks of a rock and expands due to freezing it wedges crack further apart, then the prosess repeats.

Friday, February 25, 2011


A sill is a horizontal sheet intrusion that has intruded between older layers of sedimentary rock, beds of volcanic lava or tuff, or even along the direction of foliation in metamorphic rock.

Rock Fall

Rock falls occur when a piece of rock on a steep slope becomes dislodged and falls down the slope. Debris falls are similar except they involve a mixture of soil, regolith, vegatation, and rocks. A rock fall may be a single rock or a mass of rocks, and the falling rocks can dislodge other rocks as they collide with the cliff. Because this process involves the free fall of material, falls commonly occur where there are steep cliffs. At the base of most cliffs is an accumulation of fallen material termed talus. This is an obvious danger to humans if they are in the path of the falling rocks.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Soil Creep

Soil Creep is the slow downhill movement of soil. This results in tree trunks that are curved at the base, tilted utility poles, fence posts, and causes retained walls to be broken or overturned. This can effect humans in a negative way because trees and poles can fall on roads. Therefore causing accidents and they can also fall on buildings causing structural damage.


This image shows an example of Hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is the weathering reaction that occurs when the two surfaces of water and compound meet. It involves the reaction between mineral ions and the ions of water, and results in the decomposition of rocks.

This photo is an arial picture of New Jersey . This could be used for tourists, to attract more people to the city, to show them what it looks like at night ,how beautiful the city is.


a fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock, across which there has been significant displacement

faults are created by the ground generating vibrations-or waves-in the rock that we feel as the ground is shaking. Faults are weaknesses in the rock and therefore earthquakes tend to occur over and over along the same faults.

This feature affects humans by when earthquakes occur, peoples homes and towns get wrecked.

Syncline in Navajo Sandstone, Canyonlands National Park, Utah.

A Syncline is a fold, with younger layers closer to the center of the structure.

This is a satellite image of the country of France, satellite images can be used to monitor weather patterns and/or aid in the accurate production of maps.


Mudslides are the rapid and fluid type of downhill mass wasting. It is a rapid movement of a large mass of mud formed from loose soil and water. Heavy rainfall snowmelt or high levels of ground water flowing through cracked bedrock may trigger movement towards a mudslide.

Keelung mudslide

Excessive rain and an absorbent type of soil were factos that caused a landslide that buried a three story building in keelung City on sunday. The absorbent clay soil and the high volume of accumlated rainfall over hte past month most likely caused the hillside to slip. Also the drains near the building were too narrow to handle the runoff from the rain, which cuased overflows and loosened the soil and rocks near the building. Six of the nine people who were trapped in the warehouse have been rescued, two of whom were badly injured. The other three managed to get out before the rescue workers arrived.

Brazilian landslide of 2011

This is an image of a major disaster that occured January 2011 in Brazil -- a landslide.
Major precipitation that occured the night prior triggered some of the deadliest landslides in Brazilian history. Many peoples homes were destroyed, their cars were lifted by the landslide, and crushed into other things. The death toll continuously climbed, and millions were left without parents, children, and family members. Thousands of civilians were lost in the landslide, buried alive or brutally murdered by mother nature. This costed the country billions to recover.

Biotic Weathering

Any type of weathering that is caused by living organisms. Mostly caused by plant roots, or even animals. Plant roots can extend downward, deep into rock cracks in search of water, and nutrients. In the process they act as wedge, widening the cracks.

frost shattering

Frost shattering is the mechanical wweathering and breakdown of rocks, frost shattering occurs in joints or cracks of rocks in areas where temperatures fluctuate to a temp of 0 degrees.

Frost Wedging

This is the east ridge of Mt. Brewer, near the summit, is covered by a thick layer of sharp edged boulders produced by frost wedging. Frost wedging is well developed here because the temperature cycles across the freezing point many days each year.

This is a picture of a turbulent flowing river. The river has a very rough surface, with large jagged rock which cause rapids. Because of the rough surface, there is a lot of friction on the river and it does not flow very fast.


A Avalanche is a sudden rapid flow, of snow down a slope ocurring either by natural triggers or by human activity. Typically occurs on mountainous terrian, an Avalanche can mix air and water with the descending snow. Avlanches can cause extreme damage and also be deathly.
This is an image of an avanlanche occuring on Mount Everest. An avalanche is when the snow that has accumulated on a slope gives way and comes rushing down the slope/mountainside in a devastating wave of snow, ice and potentially rock.

Argentina Mudslide

This is an image from the Argentina mudslide in february 2009. 700 people were evacuated, and 9 people were missing. The flooding was linked to the deforestation in the area. The mudslide was followed by heavy rain which came from the Tartegal River.
This pictures shows the process of hydrolysis which is the process of water breaking down the rock over time which is chemical weathering.

This avalanche was caused by extreme amounts of precipitaion (rain, and or hail and snow). The excess mass on the side of the mountian cause tremendous amounts of snow to barrel down the mountian and destroying everything in its path. It can cause extreme stuctural damage and cost millions of dollars. Also, it claims human lives.

These large jagged rocks called Talus, are a result of frost shattering. This rock was probably part of a mountain face, and when water got into the cracks, it froze. This freezing expanded the cracks and eventually caused the rock to break off.

This is an image of a type of physical weathering called Biotic Weathering. Biotic weathering is weahtering by living things (root pry is another example). This owl has burrowed into the sediment and created a home, also wearing down the land in the process.

Weather Satellite

A weather satellite is used to monitor the weather and climate of the earth. Weather satellites also collecting. city lights, fires, effects of pollution, sand stormsm snow cover,ocean currents, and ect.

Biotic Weathering

This picture illustrates biotic weathering as the marmot digs a burrow in the ground. This is a type of physical weathering.
This is sandstone that has been broken up by frost shattering. Frost shattering occurs when water finds its way into cracks and crevices in the rock and freezes. The freezing of the water causes it to expand which exerts force on the rock and can cause it to crack further or break apart entirely, as seen in the picture.

Frost Shattering

In this photo, Forst shattering the mechanical weathering and breakdown of rocks is occurring.Frost shatterings ocurrs in the cracks in the rocks areas where the temperature fluctuates around 0'C. The alternating processes of frost shattering slowly widens the cracks and in time, causes pieces of rock to shatter from the main rock.


In this image you can see rust starting to form on the left side of the rock. This is due to oxidation, which is when the iron in rocks mixes with oxygen and creates rust.

Frost Shattering to the max.

This is a rock that has been broken due to a process called Frost Shattering.
Frost shattering occurs in the joints and cracks of rocks, because during the day the temperature fluctuates and at night the water inside the cracks freezing creating expansion. When the frozen water (called ICE) melts, the crack of the rock has now become too big to hold on, and the small fragment which was held together by a string (smaller side of the crack) falls off, making it appear that the rock has been spilt in two. Woooohooooo.

North Vancouver Landslide

In 2008 a landslide occured in North Vancouver. The house in this image above clearly shows the destruction that a landslide can do. After hard rainfall, the ground gave away because of the loose soil. Building homes on steep inclines can also put a lot of pressure on the soil, causing it to slide away, which is what occured in this event.

Frost Shattered Rock

This picture is of a rock that has been shattered. The result is from the process of water entering the rock's cracks, and freezing. It then begins to cause the rock to break apart due to the expansion of the frozen water.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Strike-Slip topic #3

A strike slip fault is when to opposing continental plates are adjacent to the other and the two go opposite ways against the other and catch. Eventually the pressure builds up between the two plates and it snaps and slips as seen in the picture seen left. This fault line is most noticeable in places such as the San andreas fault line. This fault type affects people in the way if structures or rivers are alone the fault line with will tear them in two or displace them. i.e this farmer woke one day to see one side of his far did not agree with the other.

Subduction zone topic#2

Subduction zones are when a plate usally oceanic will subduct or go under another plate usually continental. The plate will go under the other into the asthenosphere and can create volcanoes and earthquakes. This is important to the rock cycle and preservation of new earth resources sprouting form volcanoes, creating fertile soil and oppurtunities for new forests to sprout over ones destroyed by pyroclastic flows. Subduction zones can also greatly affect people, earthquakes displace, kill and maim many every year and destroy structures more efficiently than any weapon of mass destruction. Volcanos have also proven to be very dangerous to surrounding towns and cities that live in the shadow of a dangerous sleeping giant.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Volcanic Neck

A volcanic neck is a cylindrical-shaped land form that stands above the Earths surface. They are created by magma solidifying in the vent of a volcano and are called a volcanic neck/plug when the rest of the volcano erodes away. This feature does not really affect humans in any way, it's just a good tourist attraction.

Monday, February 14, 2011

This is the composite volcanoe Mount Cotopaxi in Ecuador. Composite volcanoes are formed by alternating layers of rock and lava fragments. They are normally inland and erupt very explosively. This is cause by viscous magma.

Reverse Fault

Reverse faults are exactly the opposite of normal faults. If the hanging wall rises relative to the footwall, you will have a reverse fault. Reverse faults occur in areas undergoing compression. If you imagine undoing the motion of a reverse fault, you will undo the compression and thus lengthen the horizontal distance between two points on either side of the fault.


A laccolith a sheet intrusion that has been injected between two layers of sedimentary rock. They tend to form at very shallow depths. Could cause the crust to rise.
pyroclastic flow is a fast moving current of extremely hot gas and rock wich travel away from a volcano at speeds generally over 700km/Hr

This picture is of Pahoehoe Lava, a mixture of molten rock and solids that is found inside or outer most surface of the volcano. Lava is a liquid at temperatures from 700'C to 1,200'C.

a syncline is a geological down fold/deformaion caused by compression. this doesnt effect humans

This is a pyroclastic flow. These devestating phonomena are caused when a composite volcano explodes. Pyroclastic flows are massive clouds of superheated ash and rock that roll down the mountian and into the surrounding areas, destroying everything in its path. This is a pec of merapi volcano. Even though volcanos can produce these devestating forces, humans still remain at the base of volcanoes for access of mineral rich soil.


Lava is magma that has came from a volcano to the surface. It moves at a rate of a few kilometers per hour, and rates as high as 60 km per hour. It contains abundant iron, magnesium components. It can be as hot as 1,000 degress celcius and 1,2000 degrees celcius. It laters cools and hardens. Pahoehoe is freely flowing lava. Pillow lava is the hardened shaped lava.